Detroit Economic Club

Visit Site


The Detroit Economic Club (DEC), established in 1934, needed to modernize its outdated website to better reflect its prestigious status and engage users more effectively. Recognizing the importance of a functional and aesthetically pleasing online presence, the DEC sought a redesign that would align with its established brand guidelines while introducing modern elements. This project aimed to enhance user experience, streamline operations, and showcase the DEC’s storied history and ongoing relevance.

Collaborating closely with the DEC team, we developed a custom-built WordPress site that balanced aesthetics with enhanced functionality. Key features of the new site included an interactive events calendar, a user-friendly membership portal, and dedicated sections for multimedia content such as videos and publications. The design incorporated the club’s brand colors, logos, and typography in innovative ways, ensuring a fresh yet familiar feel. The interactive calendar allowed users to easily browse and register for events, while the membership portal simplified sign-ups, renewals, and access to exclusive content.

The new website successfully revitalized the DEC’s online presence, making it easier for members to navigate, register for events, and access exclusive resources. The enhancements ensured that the DEC remained a leading forum for business and political discourse, honoring its legacy while positioning it for future growth. The project demonstrated the power of thoughtful design and collaboration, resulting in a modernized digital footprint that captured the essence of the Detroit Economic Club.